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  • [Registrant]株式会社 ヨモ電気工業
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]+81-438-38-3830
  • Posted : 2024/05/23
  • Published : 2024/06/07
  • Changed: 2024/05/23
  • Total View : 741 persons
Employee / Other professional

New Graduates ・ No Experience is Welcome ◎Would you like to work and improve your career ??

Employment Status Employee
Job Type Other professional
Required Language Japanese
Number of Positions 1-2
Work Location 292-0807 千葉県 木更津市 請西南5丁目20-4
Work Hours 08:30~17:30
Job Description Electrical work in tenants, buildings and commercial facilities
Compensation Monthly 20万~45万
[Compensation detail]
Not age-paid. Motivated people can earn !.
Raise / Bonus Salary increase system available
Holidays 2 days off per week
Long vacation system
Benefits 社会保険完備
Company Name株式会社 ヨモ電気工業
Application Method

Please apply from the following URL.

Job Requirementsuniversal driver's license
Web Access No.1859391


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