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  • Registrant : 岩井駅前交流拠点boccs
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/09/27
  • Published : 2024/09/27
  • Changed :2024/09/27
  • Total View : 70 persons
2024/10/27 - 2024/10/28 / 千葉県 南房総市 / Movie

10/27 ( Sun ) 28 ( Mon ) Screening of the films "Animal, Me and My Animals" and "The Last Paradise in Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~".

boccs, an exchange base in front of Iwai station, holds monthly "boccs cinema," a film screening for learning and exchange.

In October, two documentaries will be screened: "Animal, Me and My Animals," about a journey to find the future of animal protection and the natural environment, and "The Last Paradise in Costa Rica ・ Guardians of the Osa Peninsula ~," about the people who protected the rich ecosystem of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica, where overdevelopment has restored a forest that was once drastically reduced. Two films of "The Last Paradise of Costa Rica" will be screened.

After viewing the films, we will have a dialogue session ( free to join ・ for 20 minutes ) to share your thoughts. Both films are documentaries that will trigger your thinking about the environment and ecosystems. Please take this opportunity to view them at the venue.

Film Information
"Animal: About Us and Animals" ( 2021 ・ 105min )

"The Last Paradise in Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~" ( 2015 ・ 51 min )

October 27, 2024 ( Day
10:00-12:00 "Animal: Us and Our Animals" ( 2021 ・ 105 min )
14:00-15:30 "The Last Paradise Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~" ( 2015 ・ 51 min )
19:00-21:00 "Animal: Us and Our Animals" ( 2021 ・ 105 min )
Oct 28, 2024 ( Mon )
10: 00-11:30 "The Last Paradise of Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~" ( 2015 ・ 51 min )
14:00-16:00 "Animals: Us and Our Animals" ( 2021 ・ 105 min
19:00-20:30 "The Last Paradise in Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~" ( 2015 ・ 51min )
125-13 Ichibe, Minamiboso, Chiba, Iwai Ekimae Koryu Boccs ( Access ・ Contact )
Right toward Iwai station entrance ( Tomiura ・ toward Tateyama ) about 100m along the railroad tracks. parking space in front of boccs and in back yard. ( About 10 cars )
*There is also a free municipal parking lot on the north side of Iwai station ( left toward the entrance ・ toward Awa Katsuyama ).

Participation fee
General : 1000 yen
High school students and younger : Free ( Elementary school students accompanied by parents )
Children in separate room ( 3 years old to elementary school students ) Look after : 500 yen /person ( maximum 3 people )
< Discount ・ Privileges >
Regular discount : 100 yen discount for those who have attended a film screening within the past 2 months
Referral discount : Repeat screening attendees with first time attendees
Please inform the staff when you come to the venue if you are eligible for the discount.

How to apply
Call ( 0470-29-3958 Hours: 09:00 - 21:00 ) or fill out the application form below.

Deadline : 10 minutes before each screening *Will be closed when the maximum number of participants ( 12 per session ) is reached.
If seats are available on the day of the screening, you may attend without a reservation. You will be asked to provide your name ・ phone number ・ and email address when you register.

After the screening of the film, there will be time for additional commentary and sharing of impressions. ( About 20 minutes ・ Optional participation )
If you come by car, please park at boccs or municipal parking lot. Please do not park on the street in front of the station ・ or in front of private houses.
If you need to cancel after making a reservation, please contact us by phone ( 0470-29-3958 response time 09:00-21:00 ) or email ( ).

For inquiries about boccs ( box ), please contact

Phone 0470-29-3958 ( Hours: 9:00-21:00 / Open year-round )
Contact form
Venue Iwai Ekimae Exchange Center boccs
Address 299-2226 千葉県 南房総市 市部125−13
Date 2024/10/27 - 2024/10/28
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 21:00 minute(s)
Time detail October 27, 2024 ( Sun )
10:00-12:00 "Animal: What We Do with Animals" ( 2021 ・ 105 min )
14:00-15:30 "The Last Paradise in Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula " ( 2015 ・ 51 min )
19:00-21:00 "Animal: Us and Our Animals" ( 2021 ・ 105 min )
October 28, 2024 ( Moon )
10:00-11:30 "The Last Paradise of Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~" ( 2015 ・ 51 min )
14:00-16:00 "Animal: Us and Our Animals" ( 2021 105 min )
19:00-20:30 "The Last Paradise in Costa Rica ~ Guardian of the Osa Peninsula ~" ( 2015 ・ 51 min )
Getting here 公共交通機関でお越しの方

特急新宿さざなみ 1号(新宿-千葉-館山 ※土日祝のみ)運行予定・時刻表
「ハイウェイオアシス富楽里(道の駅 富楽里とみやま)」から徒歩15分

高速バス 房総なのはな号・新宿なのはな号(東京・新宿⇒木更津・君津・館山)時刻表
高速バス 南総里見号(千葉みなと駅・千葉駅・蘇我駅⇒木更津羽鳥野⇒館山駅・安房白浜駅 ※予約不可)時刻表


※「岩井駅前交流拠点 boccs」を目的地に指定すると、岩井駅南の踏切から線路沿いの道に入るルートが出てくることがありますが、幅が狭く入りにくいため、上記の岩井駅経由ルートをおすすめします。
Venue detail 〒299-2226 千葉県南房総市市部125-13 岩井駅前交流拠点 boccs(ボックス)
営業時間:月〜土 9:00〜21:00、日 9:00〜12:00 定休日:不定休

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