Flow of Guanyin Pure Land Tour
Upon entering, you will be welcomed by the Reclining Buddha ( and by the Buddha ).
Take a little trip with the Buddha !
You will meet the Buddha every seven days as you fly over the Sanzu River.
The seventh day after death is the first seven days ( You are a son ) | Fudo Myoo |
27 days ( Is it two ) | Buddha |
Three-Seven Days ( Minanaka ) | Monju Bosatsu |
Four-Seven Days ( Yonaka ) | Fugen Bosatsu |
Fifty-seven Days ( Gonana ) | Hell Bosatsu |
Six Seventh Day ( Vinayana ) | Maitreya Buddha |
77th day ( Nananana ) | Yakushi Nyorai |
49 days ( 77 days ) have passed, and you will finally enter the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss !
But before that, you should visit the Pure Land world where you will receive the same benefits as those who have made pilgrimages to the 33 Kannon of the West, 33 Kannon of the Bando region and 4 Kannon of Chichibu. Let's go around the Pure Land World.
In the Pure Land World, you will find the Buddha who will help you when you return to this world, and
the Gohonzon of Bando Sanjuban Kozo-ji, Sho Kannon Bosatsu. Once every six years, in the year of the Ox and the year of the Horse, the front door of the main hall is opened. Please look up from below here.
Please hold the hand net to make a connection. Next you will reach the Paradise !
The Paradise of Paradise will be welcomed by Amida Nyorai .
Meet the Nyorai Buddha in the Paradise, and finally turn the curtains to return to this world !
Inside the curtains there is a deity that will make you feel reborn !
. ( The 35th abbot 1946 ~ Hand carved in 2016 )
When you return to this world, keep the 10 good precepts and fulfill your life with a new heart ! Life training.
It is natural to have pain and sadness, because it is training.
Smile. You will be blessed.
If you are a little tired of life, please come again to see the Buddhas of the Kannon Pure Land Realm.
We are waiting for you.