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Other professional
2024/06/01 (Sat)

Full-time employee] Why don't you work with us at Honda Cars Kisarazu?

Compensation Monthly 195000~
1】Service Positions : ¥195,000/month ~ + Various a...
Work Location 292-0055 千葉県 木更津市 君津市、市原市
Work Hours 09:00 - 18:00
Required Language Japanese
2024/04/15 (Mon)

Join us at Honda Cars Kisarazu ( Automobile Sales ( New and Used Cars ) )

Compensation Monthly 210000~
[1] Sales Staff : 210,000 yen/month ~ + Various al...
Work Location 292-0055 千葉県 木更津市 君津市、市原市
Work Hours 09:00 - 19:00
Required Language Japanese
Other professional
2024/04/10 (Wed)

Full-time employee] Why don't you work with us at Honda Cars Kisarazu?

Compensation Monthly 195000~
1】Service Positions : ¥195,000/month ~ + Various a...
Work Location 292-0055 千葉県 木更津市 君津市、市原市
Work Hours 09:00 - 18:00
Required Language Japanese
Other professional
2024/03/14 (Thu)

Full-time employee] Why don't you work with us at Honda Cars Kisarazu?

Compensation Monthly 195000~
1】Service Positions : ¥195,000/month ~ + Various A...
Work Location 292-0055 千葉県 木更津市 君津市、市原市
Work Hours 09:00 - 18:00
Required Language Japanese